The Suspension Of Disbelief

I was with my good friend, Peter Fitch, yesterday at lunch. We were talking about “the teleological suspension of disbelief.” Before you stop reading and gag, let me explain.

The “teleological suspension of disbelief” (TSOD for short) is when, for matters of study and analysis, we say “I don’t agree with what this author is saying in this book, but for the moment, I will choose to give my disbelief a break and assume this author is right….” We then may see the world through the author’s eyes, and have a different perspective on their words.

Peter shared that his class, in the midst of a culture of Christian cynicism and skepticism, suggested that they try the TSOD in relation to ourselves, and our faith in God.

To suspend our doubts, and our disbelief, to see things in a way that God may intend can be a renewing exercise in hope. I think this would be a good exercise for the whole of the emerging Church right now.


Sheltering Mercy: Prayers Inspired by the Psalms

Sheltering Mercy, along with its companion volume, Endless Grace, helps us rediscover the rich treasures of the Psalms—through free-verse prayer renderings of their poems and hymns—as a guide to personal devotion and meditation.

The church has always used the Psalms as part of its prayer life, and they have inspired countless other prayers. This book contains 75 prayers drawn from Psalms 1-75, providing lyrical sketches of what authors Ryan Smith and Dan Wilt have seen, heard, and felt while sojourning in the Psalms. Each prayer is a response to the Psalms written in harmony with Scripture. These prayers help us quiet our hearts before God and welcome us into a safe place amid the storms of life.

This artful, poetic, and classic devotional book features compelling custom illustrations and foil-stamped hardcover binding, offering a fresh way to reflect on and pray the Psalms.