Why should the natural world feature prominently in our worship expressions and experiences?
Any theology, be it sung, preached, or written, that doesn’t profoundly integrate the natural world around us, creates a very small story of worship. A small story of worship creates a small story of living in the worshiping community.
God didn’t create a building for His cathedral. He gave us the gifts of the stars, the planets, the suns, the skies, the mountains, the valleys, the rivers, the streams, the fields, the snowfields, and the forests – all for us to worship within.
Yes, we need buildings, but in many places worship has become as small as the structure that houses it. That’s a major theological and discipleship problem in our time.
With over one billion trillion stars in the heavens (star factories are always making more), myriad plants, trees, seeds, and berries, and animals of every shape and size and color and foot and fin and whisker – you’d think we could do more than add the word “millions” to another worship song.
Worship leaders and liturgists have creation’s palette from which to draw; let’s get beyond the primary colors.
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