The Asbury Outpouring: What We As Worship Leaders Can Learn
7 reflections from bearing witness to what God is doing at Asbury University.
7 reflections from bearing witness to what God is doing at Asbury University.
6 Power Tips for Making Music Together INTRODUCTION How can we make rehearsals better and the music stronger? Arranging a band is a challenge, but a welcome one if you’re part of the worship ministry of your church. Core ideas can get you going on the
Worship Gives Me a Reason When a Reason Can’t Be Found There is no reason to sing. There is no reason to smile. There is no reason to lift my hands or say a creed or surrender to God. At least, that’s what my heart
Engage in Worship Again Engaging in times of extended worship stirs our faith, re-orients our thinking, refreshes our spirit, and reinforces our emotional resilience. With you, I’m watching the fallout of a wild pandemic year+, where many of us who have previously experienced the
4 QUESTIONS FOR EVALUATING WHERE YOUR CONGREGATION IS AT IN WORSHIP INTRODUCTION How can we evaluate where our congregation is at as a worshiping community? Taking the pulse of your church isn’t, unfortunately, as simple as counting how many people you are singing with on