I face giants, and you face giants, every single day. And whether those giants are standing on a battle line within us, or on a battle line outside of us, we can learn from the Scriptures how to handle a foe. When a giant needed to be dealt with, God sent a musician.
[Artwork Design by Daniel Whisnant | www.DanielWhisnant.com]
David said to the Philistine, “…All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s….”
1 Samuel 17:45a,47
When a giant needed to be dealt with, God sent a musician.
David, the young shepherd who faced down the great giant Goliath, was a musician. While tending his father’s flocks in his lonely life as a shepherd, he had not only learned how to sling stones at lions and bears.
He had also learned how to face down the foes in his own heart through the singing of a song.
People have faced giants, on many battle lines, across history. And whether the giant is personal or cultural, music has played a powerful role in enabling small heroes to take down big enemies.
Giants are officially on notice; a musician is walking onto the field of battle.
Dan Wilt
Believers for thousands of years have found strength singing new songs, creating and experiencing powerful music, and worshipping with courageous melodies that have entrenched psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs deep into fearful hearts.
The torchlight of songs in the hearts of millions brought life, hope, and strength to those facing giants through dark nights of the soul in the American civil rights movement.
Musicians led the singing and writing of hymns that gave Wilberforce and others the bright light of encouragement when the storm clouds were gathering against their work to end the slave trade in England.
And every week, we practice, shape worship sets, and faithfully lead worship so that even one person in our congregation can feel strength surge in their bones as they declare the goodness, nearness, and favor of God in song.
The torchlight of songs in the hearts of millions brought life, hope, and strength to those facing giants… in the American civil rights movement.
Dan Wilt
God sends musicians to help people face their giants every week. And the music, sound, and visuals that support those songs deliver anthems into peoples’ hearts that they will need for their battle lines. Songs are as sure to turn the tide in a battle as the five smooth stones David pulled from the stream.
Every giant in the room on a Sunday morning has been served notice – when the people of God begin to sing, fear has met its match.
A Prayer
Spirit of God, there is more to what we do when we lead worship than most of us imagine. You take the songs we lead and make them stones in the slings of average people facing giants of the heart, mind, and circumstance. Thank You for the part we get to play in inspiring your people to proclaim Your victory in the face of their foes, and to walk forward in trust on the battle lines of life.
In Jesus’ empowering, triumphing Name,
Amen. +
[Artwork by Daniel Whisnant; quote by Dan Wilt. ©2013 Wild Pear Creative]