“I will glory in my weakness….”
To be weak is to be fragile, momentarily or across a life, in one corner of our heart. It is to recognize that my strength may shine, even blind, in a variety of areas in my life, yet my weakness is that small, soft spot of immaturity of soul that handicaps, or incapacitates, my greatest strengths.
To glory in my weakness is not to revel in my brokenness, nor to wallow in its misery. Rather, it is to embrace my brokenness, and to consider its potential to humble its carrier, to catalyze another’s strength, to inspire hope in another human being and even to prevail more thoroughly in difficulty when a strength would have silenced a deeper, greater work in ourselves or another.
To glory in my weakness is to overcome it, to make it an ally and a friend in this journey that ends in friendship with God and community with others. When I am weak, I am tapping into a Strength greater than my own that will only be accessed through the conduit of frailty.
To glory in my weakness is to welcome you to aid me on this sod we sojourn, and to welcome fresh humility into my spirit as travelling food. To glory in my weakness is to learn from it, as pain in the body indicates an area in need of speedy attention for correction and healing of its source.
I will glory in my weakness.