Category: Archive Assortment

Thoughts On Calvin’s Golden Book Of The True Christian Life

It’s very unattractive when Christian’s get full political power – they try to enforce and legislate morality, seeking to make everything look sacred. Even had morality spies in Geneva. Cromwell’s blue laws in England resonate the same. Many legislations smacked of self-interest, but seem to

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Thoughts On John Wesley and Richard Baxter

Wesley, Baxter, Edwards, and Alline All have something in common. They focus much on human responsibility. There is a great deal to learn from them, but a sneaking suspiction that there is something amiss in the ideas. There is a hungering to have an experience

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Thoughts From Therese De Lisieux

“If we can serenely bear the trial of being displeasing to ourselves, then we will become for Jesus a pleasant place of shelter.” Therese de Lisieux “It’s only love that makes us what God wants us to be, and for that reason it’s the only

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Helping Others When They Suffer

HOW CAN WE HELP THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS? Guiding Idea: You can’t heal everything; and some things are not ready to be healed yet. We can build bridges of kindness. We can empathize – imaginatively enter into the perception of another. Community can heal –

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FY 100: Contemporary Worship

My students have been reading a chapter I wrote called Contemporary Worship, due out with Broadman Holman publishers in a book called Five Views On Worship this Spring. In the chapter, they will consider worldview issues, Church and culture integration, the content of contemporary worship

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