Category: Archive Assortment

Battling Melancholy

Ideas written in a letter to Jerome Weller, on battling melancholy, p. 84-87 of Luther’s Letters Of Spiritual Counsel. 1. Persevere. 2. Laugh. 3. Flee Solitude and Enjoy Community. 4. Take Fun.

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Thoughts On Letters Of Spiritual Counsel (Luther)

The same truth must be applied differently in different situations. A person of Jewish descent can still stand Martin Luther (who showed frequent anti-Semitism) because of these letters. He was a real human being, trying to make a difference for God in his generation. The

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Thoughts On Martin Luther & Reformation

Luther became a monk out of fear, caught in a thunderstorm. He was a tormented, guilt-ridden man, and became a rigorous monk while his spiritual advisors tired of handling him. Luther was made a professor of the Old Testament, and began to look at Romans

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Spiritual Friendship: A Module Begins

Our final SSU Master’s module begins. It’s a two-week intensive, hanging with Blaise Pascal, Richard Baxter, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, Justo Gonzalez, Therese of Avila, George Herbert, Richard Baxter, John Wesley, Therese de Lisieux, Richard Foster, Roger Olson, John Calvin Some opening, random thoughts: “A

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Thoughts On Theresa Of Avila: Interior Castle

Interior Castle is a random book, by a passionate female mystic, scattered in its thoughts like the Shepherd Of Hermas, but directed by a pastoral guide. The question is, is this healthy spirituality. She is one of the strongest voices of prayer experience, but the

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