Category: Archive Assortment

Healing Communities

Healing Communities Healing communities are messy in a good way. There is a quality of disorder, as people aren’t putting up too many false appearances or pretensions. All that’s great and good, such as healing, can turn into an idol. Even we who typically have

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Ignatian Prayer: The Candle

This morning we spent 3 hours in Ignatian Prayer exercises, all 15 of us in the Master’s, and it was beautiful. For me personally, the lit candle in the middle of the room became my source of life and the ensign of God’s nearness to

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Exploring Inner Healing Prayer

Our generation is in need of deep healing, as a pastoral concern in a complex, fragmented, isolated generation. When we resist surrender and withhold worship, we resist the streams of healing that flow from a very present and living God interchanging with us. I’m not

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Neurological Insights Into Healing

Again, all these notes are through Dan’s filter, and do not necessarily what is actually being taught in the class. We watched a fascinating video on a man who had his right and left brain hemispheres separated to lower epileptic seizures. The right brain reads

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On Children Dying

From p. 51, upon the death of Luther’s daughter: “When his wife wept lundly, Martin Luther comforted her by saying: ‘Remember where she is going. It will be well with her. The flesh dies but the spirit lives. children do not argue. They believe what

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