Passion Clip
I appreciate the heart behind Louie G. and the Passion guys. Here is a Passion.05 vid clip from their event in Nashville this past January. They do it again in .06; about 11K university students show up.
I appreciate the heart behind Louie G. and the Passion guys. Here is a Passion.05 vid clip from their event in Nashville this past January. They do it again in .06; about 11K university students show up.
Over at Martin Guitars they’re giving away a beauty of a 7-string acoustic guitbox. They’re trying to sell you Acoustic Guitar magazine. Wait, it’s Acoustic Guitar Magazine doing all the giveaways. Here are a few more items. Over at, they’re giving away some guitars,
Wrote this post over at, on their emerging worship discussion forum: “I presently work with Vineyard Music as a songwriter, worship leader, pastor and artist. I have a great affection for the whole Church, but have had to work through the contemporary and emerging
I spent a considerable amount of soul-labor time with a good friend, Will Bernard, writing some songs for corporate worship today. We went far and wide with ideas we’ve been working on for many moons, came back to familiar themes, then experimented some more. As
I’m appreciating some of Brian’s (McLaren) words from his latest book. Here are some quotes for the ongoing conversation.