A Christmas Blessing To Worship Leaders Everywhere

I was carrying on a brief exchange with dear friend and fellow worship leader Craig Douglas, and was reminded just how much energy and effort worship leaders are putting into Christmas eve morning services, Christmas eve services, Christmas Day services, New Year’s Eve day services,

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Revisiting Barrow’s Prize

As we near the raw, imperfect perfection of the Christmas story reclaimed once again, I’m drawn to some ideas that I’ll be sharing in our community tomorrow on Christmas Eve morning. I’ll try to post the whole devotional (it will be short; the kids have

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Introducing: Janie Reynolds Illustration

My dear friend, fine artist Janie Reynolds (Whitelock), has just put up a new website featuring her work. Janie is an incredible talent, who was trained at the prestigious Royal College of Art and has since gone on to work for a wide range of

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