Now That’s What I’m Talkin’ About
I can’t get away from the “music in the air;” can you?
I can’t get away from the “music in the air;” can you?
This is a solid article from an interview with Phyllis Tickle on Out of Ur. It’s worth a read, especially as it considers the next 500 years of the Church (may we be so bold). Put on to this by Andrew Jones’ blog. The Future
After a night of listening prayer among a circle of friends for a family in our community, I’m deciding something in the midst of the emerging Church and worship process that I think will engage me for a longer haul than some of my present
In the following piece, beauty is rampant. We may not agree with the spirituality represented, but it is a lovely work of dance art by human beings. All of the performers are deaf according to the site this origates from. Let this be a call
To think that I could die With this fire inside; Half out, and warming, Half in, and burning.