Anne Of Greener Gables
I’ll be out on some vacation in Prince Edward Island over the next week, so I may not have net access to post. I’ll do what I can, but expect next Monday to be the next kick at the can. Till then, I’d love your
I’ll be out on some vacation in Prince Edward Island over the next week, so I may not have net access to post. I’ll do what I can, but expect next Monday to be the next kick at the can. Till then, I’d love your
If the nature of a human being is essentially relational, made in the image of a God who has self-revealed Himself to be in community with Himself (and us by invitation), then creativity is at its finest when explored within community. (Here’s a .pdf article
Interesting post activity over at Allelon. Here’s a catalytic thought excerpted from Len Hjalmarson’s post (on tithing, but focusing on the fragmented Church experience): For example, maybe you’ve heard the term “portfolio career”. It refers to making a living from a variety of jobs rather
Speaking of celebrating Life, The Story and the Grand Joy of it all, we’re taking a break from the heartaches of life today and going to St. Stephen’s Chocolate Festival today. Where we live is called, “Chocolate Town Canada.” All you can eat chocolate. I
I interviewed N.T. Wright, author of Jesus And The Victory Of God and considered the world’s leading scholar on the historical Jesus, at his home in Westminster Abbey some time ago. Here’s our whole interview: Reclaiming Worship: An Interview with Dan Wilt and N.T. Wright.