Introducing: :: Resources : Websites
Good friend Walt Thiessen passed along this site with great resources connecting art, culture and peace. It’s worth a surf. :: Resources : Websites
Good friend Walt Thiessen passed along this site with great resources connecting art, culture and peace. It’s worth a surf. :: Resources : Websites
As I work more with today’s youth, I’m overwhelmed with the sheer volumes of time so many of the teens and twenty-somethings I know spend in front of computer games and movies. Emerging church ideas are packed with the inclusion of digital visual stimuli and
A good friend, Heidi Turner, pointed me to this post. I enjoyed it’s thoughts. It’s a eucharist based around U2’s creative work. Note: While I appreciate U2, and especially Bono’s work, as far as faves they are about a 6 on my out of 10
March Break is upon us here, so I’ll be in and out this week. My posts have been a bit staggered due to an increased workload. Any prayers are appreciated, friends. We’re trying to have some fun with the chillun’ this week. When season winter
Friends, Who ever said that it was the weak that need the strong? You cannot miss this moment of human greatness. Allow your own strength to be tempered and formed by this boy’s weakness being transformed into strength, and his weakness giving our strength a