Repeating Ourselves
Some of the emerging Church conversation, it seems, is like this picture a good friend sent me. We want to go places, but we keep coming back to many of the same ideas that have kept us through the ages – hold to the riches
Some of the emerging Church conversation, it seems, is like this picture a good friend sent me. We want to go places, but we keep coming back to many of the same ideas that have kept us through the ages – hold to the riches
I just had a great chat with a friend on why we both, at times, light candles in our times of prayer and devotion. Her reasons focused on the inner groanings of her heart, stirrings that resist words, yet somehow take shape when she lights
At least until Tuesday. Promised my wife I’d step out of the Dan whirlwind, and into gentler breezes to help her recuperate. These are the choices, challenging as they are, that last at least through this lifetime – and when we’re sitting at one or
After 13 days away, intensive ministry and teaching, a long flight home, a darling wife down with a peanut allergy attack and now pneumonia, and 3 cherubs needing a papa, I’m going underground for a few days of sabbath. See you on the other side
Our time in the UK and Holland has just been fantastic. Pics to come. The joy of working with the Vineyards, New Wine movement and other churches in the two nations has been a blast, and we were continually blown away by God’s deep work