Webber Calls For An Ancient Evangelical Future
Robert Webber speaks to calling Evangelical churches to an Ancient Evangelical Future. For those interested: ancientfutureworship.com blog
Robert Webber speaks to calling Evangelical churches to an Ancient Evangelical Future. For those interested: ancientfutureworship.com blog
We’re firing on all cylinders now; a weekend gives a needed break, but we’re back into the course work now. Today, we went through worship history, from Hebrew responsive psalm singing, to early Church worship diversity, through the medieval ages, Renaissance and Reformation, into the
Some quotes derived from a wrestling match between my 10 year old son and I, specifically drawn from a contest in which he seeks to steal a wintergreen lifesaver from my hand for the sake of satisfying his pressing need for TASTE. “Ooooo, very strong
The Intensive couldn’t be going better. Our 15 gathered are delving deep into so many ideas that are changing us – even we who are teaching. Over the past few days, building a strong theology (and anthropology) of worship was our business, and it just
We’re now entering into day 3 of our Institute Intensive Certificate Program. On Monday we explored the riches of the past, and considered ways that beauty shapes both the heart and history (some of the artistic renaissance in the rediscovery of 3-dimensional realism that Peter