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Change is an action away.
Today, I’m just going to let two quotes sit with us, from a favorite academic book that was part of my doctoral research, The Patient Ferment of the Early Church.
As we go deeper into our Christian habitus formation, and begin to get practical, we’ll need to get these two ideas in our bloodstream.
“When challenged about their ideas, Christians pointed to their actions. They believed that their habitus, their embodied behavior, was eloquent” (Kreider 2).
“Above all, habitus is formed by repetition, by the sheer physicality of doing things over and over so that they become habitual, reflexive, and borne in our bodies” (Kreider 39-40).
Take a moment to re-read both of those quotes again, slowly.
Then think about your way of life right now.
Here are two questions to guide you.
1. Can I point to my actions as the evidence of my faith? Which of my actions are most showing I depend on Jesus as my loving Lord and Master?
2. What habits are you doing, over and over, that are in sync, in flow, with the Spirit of Jesus at work in you to make you like him?
Pray about your answers to these this week, and next week, we’ll begin some habit renewal work together.
Dan +
P.S. Consider joining me in mastering the Daily Examen if you haven’t already.
1 Kreider, Alan. The Patient Ferment of the Early Church. Baker Academic, 2016.
Recommended Reading:
Alan Kreider, The Patient Ferment of the Early Church
James K.A. Smith, You Are What You Love
Recommended Follows for this Week:
Practicing the Way with Jon Mark Comer
Works Cited in this Post:
Bourdieu, Pierre. Pascalian Meditations. Translated by Richard Nice. Stanford University Press, 2000.
Kreider, Alan. The Patient Ferment of the Early Church. Baker Academic, 2016.
Cover Photo by Donny Jiang on Unsplash
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